Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Make Your Own Plant Markers

Posted by Maggie

Since our gardens will become an exhibit for the fair, we will want to clearly identify our plants. I did a little research on the internet to see what others have done. I found the following idea on gardenweb:

I have been using plastic knives as markers for years. Take a plastic knife (VERY INEXPENSIVE for a good size pakage just about anywhere) and, using a permanent marker, label, and stick into the ground. It is weatherproof and, if you are feeling creative, go to your local party store and buy different knife colors. I love purple, so all my markers are purple knives. All my gardening friends have adopted this method. TRY'll love it.

Do any of you have any great ideas? Remember, these markers have to be readable, hold up in the weather and stay put!

June 16, 2010 - Planting

Posted by Maggie

Debbie Monchamp met me out at the fairgrounds with herbs she collected from Bailey's Nursery in St. Paul -

They were giving away plants to community gardens. The herbs she brought for us are Lemon Balm, Basil, Thyme, Savory, Fennel, and two fun mint varieties, Chocolate and Banana!

Important to know about herbs - they should be kept clipped back and in most cases, not allowed to blossom. So, when you are visiting your garden space, please bring scissors with you, snip a bit of this and that to dry or freeze for later use - or use it fresh! Best to collect herbs as well as fruits and vegetables, early in the morning.

Here is link to information on drying and freezing herbs:

Ellie and Stafford and Terri arrived a little later and we gave them a chive plant to put in one of their gardens. As a hardy perennial, we can leave it in the raised bed over winter or it can be transplanted into a home garden in the fall.

The Fennel is planted in one of the straw bales since it isn't very friendly with other plants. The mints are planted in pots since mint loves to take over any garden. They are hardy perennials also so we will be able to divide some in the fall to transplant in our own gardens if we so choose.

We also planted the potato barrel! I can't wait to see how it does.

Ellie's cauliflower is beginning show heads (actually called "curds")! I have not seen cauliflower growing before. Very impressive!

Tip for Ellie: Blanching Cauliflower

The heads are covered, or "blanched", for two reasons. Covering the heads helps protect it from rotting. It also helps to produce the white color and improve flavor.

Blanch the heads as soon as the curd gets 2-4 inches in diameter. This is done by covering the head with the large leaves just below the head. Use garden twine to tie the leaves loosely around the head. The object is to protect the head from light and water, while letting air in. As the head grows, loosen and re-tie the leaves, as necessary.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Tomatoes and Vining Plants and Fertilizing

For those of you who have planted tomatoes or any vining plants, be prepared in the next week or so to stake or provide a trellis. Once the heat hits, these plants are going to zoom!

Be sure to read up on fertilizing too!

I really like this site for quick information and is easy to understand:

June 14, 2010 - Planting at the fairgrounds

Posted by Maggie

Megan, Betty Jo and I planted potato eyes and sweet potato plants in the straw bales this morning. Debbie had planted one with Loofa. I left some potato eyes in the "potato barrel" for planting on Wednesday with Debbie.

It looks like everyone has weeded and replanted as needed. Things are looking great!

Debbie will be bringing some herb plants from her visit at Baileys Nursery and I will be planting those in Shroer's iris bed and in the second wheel chair garden. We will still have to make a spot for peanuts and whatever else Debbie brings back. I have two straw bales here that haven't produced anything so I may take those over to the fairgrounds.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Friday, June 11 - Planting the Southside Entrance

Posted by Maggie
I met up with Shea and Becky, David, his friend John and his cousin Megan and his mom at Erickson's Greenhouse. Mike helped us pick out plants to put in the garden site at the southside entrance to the fairgrounds. Thank you Mike for your help and for donating the plants!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Thank you, Maggie. You are determined to teach an old dog new tricks! I will drop off the soil on my way to the dds this aft. I will also take some pics to show off to Bailey's. Congratulations to all our kids & parents for putting together such a wonderful project. You really are the Great Green Gardeners.

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Have fun everybody!! Maggie

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Our New Blog Site!

At our last meeting I said I would set up a more blog friendly site to improve our communications with one another. Here it is guys. Start blogging - with your parents, of course! Maggie